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Emergence Virtual Organizational Session
March 18 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Wellness and impact – at the individual, organizational, and community levels – are essential, aspirational, and challenging. It’s easy to dismiss them as impossible, luxuries that we don’t have time for in the chaos of our crisis-oriented work. BUT… WHAT IF?
What if we valued our own health and potential in the same way we pursue freedom and thriving for those harmed by violence? What if articulate a human right to connection and sustainability? What if we break down big concepts like wellness and impact) into manageable components – stance, breath, pace, moral compass, strategy, relationship – and practice as if our lives depend on it? What if we take time to dream big, rest, laugh, and love?
People in our communities need us to be well and to conjure impact. 2025 is a year for us to GO bold and GO together. Emergence offers opportunities for SA/DV leaders and teams to join in virtual and in-person gatherings that will normalize wellness and exponentially increase our impact in VA with the people who need us most.