Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

DO YOU Facilitator Training

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

DO YOU: Building Youth Resilience Through Creative Expression is a primary prevention strategy to address teen dating violence, sexual harassment, and bullying by promoting positive youth development and healthy relationships. This training is designed for adult facilitators and teen mentors (who are peer facilitators) interested in implementing DO YOU in their communities. This is an …

State and Local Partners Meeting, Virtual, Tidewater Region

Virtual- Zoom

This invitation is open to advocates, preventionists, and other partners serving survivors and/or supporting community education on healthy relationships. Our time together will be spent learning from each other and from speakers, discussion on statewide issues, resources, etc. The following sessions will be virtual from 10:00 - 12:00pm: December 7 (statewide session) The following sessions …

Trauma Informed Lawyering

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

A trauma-informed legal practice helps to reduce re-traumatization and recognize the role trauma plays in the lawyer-client relationship. Integrating trauma-informed practices provides lawyers with the opportunity to increase connections to their clients and improve advocacy and outcomes. Training lawyers to be trauma informed in their approach will lead to improved services for survivors. Attendees will …

The Intersection of Firearms and IPV

Chesterfield Central Library 7051 Lucy Corr Blvd, Chesterfield, VA

We know that intimate partner violence (IPV) is far more likely to become lethal when abusers have access to guns. We also know that protecting victims from homicide isn’t as simple as just prohibiting access to lethal means. True prevention requires work within our communities and systems to identify the root causes of violence and …

Basic Advocacy Trainings, Farmville

Moton Musuem 900 Griffin Blvd, Farmville, Va

You may register for one training or both. Please note that the Basic Sexual Violence Training does contain material from the Basic Domestic Violence Training session so it is recommended to take both but you don’t have to. Please dress comfortably as these are long trainings. We will break for lunch and attendees will be …

Outreach Otters Sandbox


Join us to hear from others regarding all things outreach, community engagement, and get ideas from other agencies to take back and put in practice at your agency. Please register at the link below!

Quarterly Training Series- Trauma Informed Grant Writing

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

How do you make the grant writing process safe, transparent, collaborative, and grounded in historical and cultural context? We'll talk about a variety of strategies that will serve your agency well as you engage in preparing grant applications--and offer tips for making those applications successful. $30 for members/$65 for non members To register, please click …

Trauma to Prison Pipeline, Training for Trainers

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

The vast majority of youth referred from school to law enforcement and into the juvenile justice system are survivors of trauma. The justice system typically fails to address, and often deepens, trauma. This 6-hour training will cover the connections between toxic stress and behavior issues in school, how trauma connects with system-involved youth, how and …

Legal Advocacy Training

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

Survivors who engage with the criminal or civil legal systems need advocates who understand and can explain the ins and outs of the laws that impact their clients. The objective of this training is to strengthen attendees understanding of IPV/SV laws and how to provide effective legal advocacy. This training explores the multitude of available …

State and Local Partners, Statewide Session, Virtual

Virtual- Zoom

This invitation is open to advocates, preventionists, and other partners serving survivors and/or supporting community education on healthy relationships. Our time together will be spent learning from each other and from speakers, discussion on statewide issues, resources, etc. The following session will be virtual from 10:00 - 12:00pm: December 7 (statewide session)

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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