Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Attachment Theory in Action: Building Resilience Between Caregivers and Children

Virtual- Zoom

Building Resilience Between Caregivers and Children is a workshop for advocates and preventionists alike. The workshop will connect the dots between attachment theory and programs and services to build resilience between caregivers and children. Attachment theory describes how the bond between caregivers and children influences relationships in the present as well as the future. Participants …

Directors’ Forum: Let’s Build Strong, Healthy, Vibrant Communities Together!

Virtual- Zoom

Let's Build Strong, Healthy, Vibrant Communities Together! What role do sexual and domestic violence agencies have in building strong, healthy, vibrant communities now and into the future? How can we as advocates activate women's civic engagement around issues that really matter to them; issues like good schools, access to health care, living wages, and equal opportunities? How can we connect those issues to the economic, racial, reproductive, and gender justice that will meet the needs of survivors, their children, and even future generations?

Holiday- Labor Day

The Action Alliance office is "closed". The Virginia Statewide Hotline continues to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Virtual Training Modules Office Hours

We hold monthly Office Hours each month for participants in each of our three virtual training modules: Principles of Primary Prevention, Advocacy Core Training, and Trauma, Justice, and Oppression. These Office Hours are a space for participants to connect with each other and a technical assistance (TA) provider/trainer from the Action Alliance staff and Training …

Governing Body Meeting

The Governing Body is comprised of 21 members who are responsible for the governance of the Action Alliance and guide its policies. Under Action Alliance by-laws, the Governing Body has representation from all geographic areas of Virginia, at least one-third of representatives are from member sexual and domestic violence agencies, at least one-third of representatives …

Survivors Vote: New and Updated Voting Laws in Virginia

Virtual- Zoom

Did you know that during the most recent legislative session there were a lot of new voting laws passed?  With the voter registration deadline quickly approaching and early voting in full swing, this is a great time to get refreshed on what’s new about voting in Virginia. We know survivors vote and a large part of advocacy …

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