Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

On the Docket with JPT


Join the Justice Projects Team for open hours to discuss and learn about topics ranging from confidentiality to firearms laws to reproductive freedom for survivors and everything in between. This will be a semi-structured learning space combining traditional training with open conversation, peer learning, and program sharing. Bring your expertise and your curiosity! This space …

ECHO@Edu: Campus Violence Prevention

Virtual- Zoom

Do you feel like you're on a prevention island at your campus? Join us for the following sessions to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of the best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention, all from the comfort of your office. ECHO@Edu will be held on …

Quarterly Finance Training Series- Tips for Tracking Grant Expenses


Are you a leader or staff member who has responsibility for tracking grant expenses? We'll explore key elements of tracking expenses to help you stretch your agency budget and ensure that you have all of the documentation you need as you prepare regular invoices, financial statements, and grant reports. This training is part of a …

New Member Orientation


If you are new to the Action Alliance or just want a refresher of all of your membership benefits and insight into the Action Alliance, please join us! Here at the Action Alliance, we are here to help you so join us to find out how we can help you and your organization.

Bold Leadership Series- Sustainability Presentation


Are you a leader that went through the UPLC cohorts? This is a space where you can go deeper with the lessons from UPLC, share what has worked and what has not, come up with solutions to challenges, and just be in community trying to navigate these interesting times. Please see the below dates. For …

ReStoryation, Open Virtual Session


Over the past two+ years, we have all navigated significant innumerable challenges and crises. As advocates, preventionists, and other front-line specialists working in sexual and domestic violence agencies, that has meant responding to the needs of survivors in addition to caring for ourselves, our families, and our communities. We invite you to reconnect with advocates across Virginia through the practice of storytelling, an invitation to enter a space of curiosity and wisdom.

So welcome to the circle - everything is welcome, everything is medicine.

Advocacy Outcomes and DOW

Virtual- Zoom

How do we know our services are making an impact? Join the Action Alliance for a facilitated discussion on the outcomes of advocacy services, Documenting Our Work (DOW) and other tools, and how evaluation can help us stay grounded in our values. ACCESSIBILITY INFO: Our events are in spoken and written English. While we recommend …

State and Local Partners Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

This invitation is open to advocates, preventionists, and other partners serving survivors and/or supporting community education on healthy relationships. Our time together will be spent learning from each other and from speakers, discussion on statewide issues, resources, etc. The following sessions will be virtual from 10:00 - 12:00pm : March 2 (Valley Region), September 14 …

Outreach Otters Sandbox


Join us to hear from others regarding all things outreach, community engagement, and get ideas from other agencies to take back and put in practice at your agency. For this Outreach Otters, we will be discussing Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Also, please put our additional dates on your calendar! June 1, 2023 September 7, 2023 …

VAdata Basic Training


Since its inception in 1996, VAdata has been an invaluable tool for Virginia advocates tracking services to survivors and their experiences of violence. This training is for staff who are new VAdata users or people who need a refresher on certain features of the system. Join us for a virtual walk-through of the system, where …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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