Project for the Empowerment of Survivors (PES)

The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, through PES, aims to build relationships between advocates at local domestic and sexual violence agencies and local attorneys, who together will work directly as a team to help survivors navigate the complicated legal system. The program aims to help to connect survivors needing legal assistance with advocates and attorneys who can provide confidential, healing-centered, legal advice and information.

The program consists of these components:

1. Attorney Referrals. A survivor working with a local advocate from a domestic or sexual violence agency can work with the Action Alliance to find a local, trauma informed attorney to represent a survivor in a legal proceeding. Together, the advocate and attorney can work, in conjunction with the Action Alliance, to seek limited financial assistance where available.

2. Legal Helpline. A survivor can work with an advocate at their local domestic and sexual violence agency to connect with the Action Alliance legal advocate or staff attorney. The Action Alliance legal advocate may set up a legal consultation with our staff attorney. The Legal Helpline offers advice and information on issues related to, and stemming from, intimate partner violence.  Our staff attorney CAN NOT represent survivors in court or prepare court papers.

3. Education. Attorneys and advocates can attend or request one of our judicial system advocacy trainings including:             

                           1. “Trauma Informed Lawyering,” a 2-hour CLE 

                           2. “Legal Advocacy,” a full day advanced advocacy training

                           3. “Legal Advice vs, Legal Information,” a 2-hr advanced advocacy course

                           4. “IPV and Firearms” a full-day advanced advocacy training

                           5. “Confidentiality and Privilege,”  2-hr advanced advocacy training

The quickest way to access legal services is to reach out to your local domestic/sexual violence agency and ask to speak with an advocate.

You may contact our legal advocate through the email: or through the Statewide Hotline at 1.800.838.8238, chat at, or text at 804.793.9999. (Chat feature works best on a computer or tablet.)

Servicios legales

¿Necesitas ayuda legal? ¿Has sido lastimado o maltratado por un miembro de la familia o tu pareja? ¿Has experimentado asalto o acoso sexual, violencia en el noviazgo o acoso? ¿Necesitas respuestas a preguntas legales o deseas conocer tus derechos y opciones legales?

Alianza de abogados y abogados

La Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, a través de PES, tiene como objetivo construir relaciones entre los defensores de las agencias locales de violencia doméstica y sexual y los abogados locales, quienes juntos trabajarán directamente como un equipo para ayudar a los sobrevivientes a navegar por el complicado sistema legal. El programa tiene como objetivo ayudar a conectar a los sobrevivientes que necesitan asistencia legal con defensores y abogados que puedan brindarles información y asesoramiento legal confidencial y centrado en la curación.

Línea de ayuda jurídica: Un sobreviviente puede trabajar con un defensor de su agencia local de violencia doméstica y sexual para conectarse con el defensor legal o el abogado del personal de Action Alliance. El defensor legal de Action Alliance puede programar una consulta legal con nuestro abogado del personal. La Línea de Ayuda Legal ofrece asesoramiento e información sobre cuestiones relacionadas y derivadas de la violencia de pareja. Nuestro abogado NO PUEDE representar a los sobrevivientes en el tribunal ni preparar documentos judiciales. Actualmente, las citas se programan con 4 a 6 semanas de antelación.

Financial Support

PES is funded by:

  • VOCA Victims Services Grant Program Grant #22-C3476VP20 through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
  • A generous grant from the Virginia Law Foundation. The Virginia Law Foundation promotes through philanthropy the rule of law, access to justice, and law-related education
  • Altria – Altria Contributing Together Give Together grant
  • Individual donors and supporters (Support the Legal Fund)

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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