Firearms Restrictions and Protective Orders in Virginia

Cover of Firearms Restrictions and Protective Orders Toolkit featuring a part of the Virginia State flag in blocks of dark blue and yellow.

Recent changes in Virginia code pertaining to firearms, firearm restrictions, surrender of firearms, and new Substantial Risk Orders can substantially impact the lives and safety of survivors of intimate partner violence. To assist survivors in making decisions regarding petitioning for protective orders and with safety planning, it is essential that advocates are knowledgeable about both the legal remedies as they pertain to firearms and the processes and procedures in their communities for implementation of these new remedies.

The Virginia Domestic Violence and Firearms Workgroup worked with local, state, and national partners to create new resources to support implementation of firearms restrictions in communities across Virginia. The toolkit is intended to serve as a foundational resource for sexual and domestic violence advocates – in their work with survivors and communities – to maximize safety and to ensure compliance with Virginia law. 

For more information on how to best use these tools and/or for technical assistance and training to support implementation in your community, please contact the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance at


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