Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Violence Prevention in Action ECHO

Virtual- Zoom

Project ECHO uses Zoom, the teleconferencing software, to connect professionals from multiple locations to present challenging cases to each other, gather feedback and recommendations, and to discuss new developments and best practices. The structure of each ECHO Clinic is an integral component of the ECHO model. This isn't another passive webinar! We use Zoom so …

Legislative Advocacy Day

Join us in person or virtually for our annual Legislative Advocacy Day! It's always an amazing experience to see survivors, advocates, and movement partners roaming the (virtual and physical) halls of the General Assembly, lifting the voices of survivors and advocating for policies that seek to respond to and prevent violence in our communities.   …

ECHO@edu: Campus Violence Prevention

Virtual- Zoom

Project ECHO uses Zoom, the teleconferencing software, to connect professionals from multiple locations to present challenging cases to each other, gather feedback and recommendations, and to discuss new developments and best practices. The structure of each ECHO Clinic is an integral component of the ECHO model. This isn't another passive webinar! We use Zoom so …


Action Alliance Shelter Conversations

Virtual- Zoom

Join us on Friday, February 18th from 11:00 pm -12:30 pm for a discussion on how we are keeping our shelters staffed as we, organizations and advocates, navigate the ongoing pandemic. This is an open discussion for shelter advocates and a space to receive support and resources as we work together to continue serving survivors …

Regional State and Local Partners’ Meeting: Northern Virginia/ Reunión Regional de Socies Estatales y Locales: Norte de Virginia

Virtual- Zoom

The first of our 2022 State and Local Partners’ meetings! This invitation is open to advocates, preventionists, and other partners serving survivors and/or supporting community education on healthy relationships in Northern Virginia. We will continue to hold virtual gatherings until we can be together safely again. Distance will not stop us from holding space to …

Creating a Culture of Wellness: Reproductive Health

Virtual- Zoom

Registration for the March 16 Reproductive Health training is closed. If you are interested, you may register for the June 1 training.     Where: Zoom Register here for the June 1 training:  

People of Color Caucus: Creating Community and Collective Care

Virtual- Zoom

This training/discussion will reintroduce advocates and members to the People of Color Caucus, what we do, and how we do it. We will also talk about the need for identity-based caucusing spaces and the importance of community/collective care. If this resonates with you and you identify as a person from these communities, join the conversation. …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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