Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

The Hope Reception

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

Join the Action Alliance in our new office as we take time to celebrate advocates across Virginia, recognize our new Lifetime Members, and honor those who continue to inspire hope for a violence-free Virginia. RSVP: Our Honorees: Toni Zollicoffer, Director, Fairfax Office of Domestic and Sexual Violence Services As a member of the Statewide …

On the Docket with JPT


Join the Justice Projects Team for open hours to discuss and learn about topics ranging from confidentiality to firearms laws to reproductive freedom for survivors and everything in between. This will be a semi-structured learning space combining traditional training with open conversation, peer learning, and program sharing. Bring your expertise and your curiosity! This space …

Violence Prevention in Action ECHO


Project ECHO uses Zoom, the teleconferencing software, to connect professionals from multiple locations to present challenging cases to each other, gather feedback and recommendations, and to discuss new developments and best practices. The structure of each ECHO Clinic is an integral component of the ECHO model. This isn't another passive webinar! We use Zoom so …

Flexible Foundations for Shelter Support and Beyond, Session 2


Between the pandemic, climate catastrophes, tensions about human rights, and high costs for basic needs, survivors’ service needs feel more complex than ever. Join the Action Alliance and Tori Wynecoop, Training and Technical Assistance Manager at the National Center on Domestic Violence Trauma and Mental Health (NCDVTMH), for three virtual trainings about collaborative and flexible …

Webinar for DOW Updates


This webinar is for SDVA staff, especially case managers and shelter managers at agencies receiving VDSS fund. Beginning in February 2023, electronic Documenting Our Work (DOW) surveys will be available to survivors in the same 11 languages that are currently available in print form! The process for completing those eDOW surveys will also be greatly …

All you Need to Know about Legislative Advocacy Day 2023


Join us for this webinar to learn about all of our priorities and strategies heading into Legislative Advocacy Day. Things that are on our radar are: Fund the phones – help us sustain Virginia’s Statewide Hotline!   Ensure the safe and lawful transfer of firearms for those subject to protective orders and those convicted of domestic …

Legislative Advocacy Day 2023

Virginia Credit Union League 108 N. 8th Street, Richmond, VA, United States

2023 Legislative Advocacy Day! We're excited to have sexual and domestic violence advocates from across Virginia join us in Richmond for our annual Legislative Advocacy Day on Thursday, February 2, 2023! And this year is a big one…..with the fall of Roe v. Wade and ongoing political attacks on LGBTQ youth, it’s important that we …

On the Docket with JPT


Join the Justice Projects Team for open hours to discuss and learn about topics ranging from confidentiality to firearms laws to reproductive freedom for survivors and everything in between. This will be a semi-structured learning space combining traditional training with open conversation, peer learning, and program sharing. Bring your expertise and your curiosity! This space …

ECHO@Edu: Campus Violence Prevention

Virtual- Zoom

Do you feel like you're on a prevention island at your campus? Join us for the following sessions to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of the best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention, all from the comfort of your office. ECHO@Edu will be held on …

Quarterly Finance Training Series- Tips for Tracking Grant Expenses


Are you a leader or staff member who has responsibility for tracking grant expenses? We'll explore key elements of tracking expenses to help you stretch your agency budget and ensure that you have all of the documentation you need as you prepare regular invoices, financial statements, and grant reports. This training is part of a …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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