Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Basic Advocacy Trainings- DV & SV

SSRC 22 East Church St, Suite 307, Martinsville, VA

DV BAT: This training is designed for advocates in their first year of work in the field of Domestic Violence Advocacy. Participants will be able to identify and define domestic …

People of Color Caucus


The People of Color Caucus was formed to create a space where folks of color can come together to be in community and foster connections and have connections on how …

Navigating Social Impact

Virtual- Zoom

What: Let’s begin to imagine robust strategies and practices for sustained wellness, connection and power. For whom: Advocates, preventionists, outreach staff, and agency leadership are all invited to participate. Sexual …

State and Local Partners Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

These quarterly gatherings of advocates, preventionists, sexual and domestic violence agency administrators, state funders and other partners serving survivors of violence are opportunities for connection and collaboration on the local, …

Virginia Restoryation Report Q&A

Virtual- Zoom

Virginia was one of 25 states and territories across the U.S. to participate in Restoryation, a national storytelling project and needs assessment among professionals working in the movement to end …

Principles of Primary Prevention

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

Primary prevention programs are focused on reducing or eliminating the first-time perpetration of sexual violence and intimate partner violence (SV/IPV). This means figuring out what factors make some people more …

I Emerge: Wellness Coaching/Individual TA

Virtual- Zoom

For Whom: Advocates and leaders in the field of sexual and domestic violence advocacy, intervention, and prevention Why: Dedicated time and space to fit your schedule, as well as your …

We Emerge: Coaching Session

Virtual- Zoom

What: A.W.E. Group Sessions (Advocate Wellness Experiences) Why: Advocate Wellness Experience Sessions are: ● Time to HONOR the INNER experience of advocates ● Space to BE with those who get …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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