Our Mission
The Action Alliance, a diverse group of individuals and organizations, believes that ALL people have the right to a life free of sexual and domestic violence.
We will use our diverse and collective voice to create a Virginia free from sexual and domestic violence—inspiring others to join and support values of equality, respect and shared power.
We recognize that sexual and domestic violence are linked to other forms of oppression, which disproportionately affect women, children, and marginalized people. Understanding the great harm racism has created for individuals, families and our communities in Virginia, we commit to building within the coalition an anti-racist framework from which to address sexual and domestic violence.
Guiding Principles
- As the Alliance conducts its work, it is essential that survivors, the interests of survivors, and those impacted by sexual assault and domestic violence are at the forefront of all decision-making.
- Recognizing that local agencies have been the foundation of coalition work by connecting communities and survivors to statewide advocacy, we are committed to an Alliance in which Sexual Assault Crisis Centers and Domestic Violence Programs continue to be the driving force of The Alliance.
- Recognizing the historical inequities between resources allocated to address sexual assault and domestic violence, we seek to create a change that includes an Alliance that equitably addresses the elimination of both sexual and domestic violence.
- Recognizing that sexual and domestic violence affects all Virginians, we seek to create an Alliance where those who have been traditionally oppressed in society and/or marginalized in anti-violence work have the opportunity to be full and active participants in The Alliance. The Alliance recognizes that representation of traditionally oppressed groups is only a beginning. Intentional diversity also involves an analysis of oppression and a commitment to challenging and changing the disempowering influences of dominant culture. Everyone must share responsibility for ensuring that ALL voices are heard and valued.