Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

VAdata Office Hours

Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.

Emergence Virtual Organizational Session


Wellness and impact - at the individual, organizational, and community levels - are essential, aspirational, and challenging. It's easy to dismiss them as impossible, luxuries that we don't have time for in the chaos of our crisis-oriented work. BUT... WHAT IF? What if we valued our own health and potential in the same way we …

Emergence In-Person Retreat

Roanoke, VA VA, United States

This final Emergence gathering will focus on strengthening relationships, expertise, and collective power for healing-centered transformation. We will learn about moving from reacting to the crisis of burnout towards the healing-centered capacity to prevent it and build muscle to create robust practices for sustained wholeness, connection, and power.

VAdata Office Hours

Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.

Directors’ Virtual Meet Up

Virtual- Zoom

The Statewide Hotline/Crisis Response Team would like to offer this space as an ongoing opportunity to increase partnership, learn more about the needs at agencies, have a place to share and learn more about Statewide Hotline operations, and to provide the space for folx to discuss challenges, highlights, regional updates, trends, etc. We look forward …

Violence Prevention in Action ECHO

Virtual- Zoom

Join our Violence Prevention in Action ECHO program to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention! Project ECHO is an international, evidence-based model for training and peer-to-peer learning, originally developed at the University of New Mexico for use by …

Statewide Advocates’ Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

The Statewide Hotline/Crisis Response Team would like to offer this space as an ongoing opportunity for folx working on the front lines and on the hotlines providing direct services and support! This is a space with opportunities to meet other advocates across VA, learn more about the Statewide Hotline and Project for Empowerment of Survivors …

VAdata Office Hours

Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.

State and Local Partners Meeting

These interactive quarterly gatherings of advocates, preventionists, sexual and domestic violence agency administrators, state funders and other partners serving survivors of violence are opportunities for connection and collaboration on the local, regional, and state level. The State and Local Partners Meetings are a unique forum for agencies to share their expertise and experiences from the …

VAdata Office Hours

Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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