VAdata Office Hours
Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.
Note: Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.
Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.
The Statewide Hotline/Crisis Response Team would like to offer this space as an ongoing opportunity to increase partnership, learn more about the needs at agencies, have a place to share … ›
Sexual and domestic violence agencies across the state use VAdata to track services and manage their grant reporting. For new staff, this means there's a lot to learn about VAdata, … ›
The Statewide Hotline/Crisis Response Team would like to offer this space as an ongoing opportunity for folx working on the front lines and on the hotlines providing direct services and … ›
These interactive quarterly gatherings of advocates, preventionists, sexual and domestic violence agency administrators, state funders and other partners serving survivors of violence are opportunities for connection and collaboration on the … ›
Guided by the perspective that there is more power in pausing than relentlessly pushing through – join us to explore and co-create new ways of being in our work. A … ›
Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.
Wellness and impact - at the individual, organizational, and community levels - are essential, aspirational, and challenging. It's easy to dismiss them as impossible, luxuries that we don't have time … ›
This final Emergence gathering will focus on strengthening relationships, expertise, and collective power for healing-centered transformation. We will learn about moving from reacting to the crisis of burnout towards the … ›
Drop in (virtually) any time between 3:00 and 4:30 to ask us your VAdata related questions.
Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies