Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Principles of Primary Prevention

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

Primary prevention programs are focused on reducing or eliminating the first-time perpetration of sexual violence and intimate partner violence (SV/IPV). This means figuring out what factors make some people more …

Exploring Organizational Wellness

Virtual- Zoom

What: Let’s begin to imagine robust strategies and practices for sustained wellness, connection and power. For whom: Advocates, preventionists, outreach staff, and agency leadership are all invited to participate. Sexual …

I Emerge: Wellness Coaching/Individual TA

Virtual- Zoom

For Whom: Advocates and leaders in the field of sexual and domestic violence advocacy, intervention, and prevention Why: Dedicated time and space to fit your schedule, as well as your …

Director’s Virtual Meet-up

Virtual- Zoom

The Statewide Hotline/Crisis Response Team would like to offer this space as an ongoing opportunity to increase partnership, learn more about the needs at agencies, have a place to share …

Joyful Sexuality

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

In this interactive and engaging training, advocates and prevention staff will gain a more holistic understanding of joyful sexuality and its relevance to our work in the movement to end …

People of Color Caucus


The People of Color Caucus was formed to create a space where folks of color can come together to be in community and foster connections and have connections on how …

Violence Prevention in Action ECHO


Join our Violence Prevention in Action ECHO program to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence …

Identifying and Recognizing Organizational Habits

Virtual- Zoom

What: Let’s begin to imagine robust strategies and practices for sustained wellness, connection and power. For whom: Advocates, preventionists, outreach staff, and agency leadership are all invited to participate. Sexual …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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