Historically oppressed communities experience sexual and domestic violence at rates higher than the general population. Survivors may face obstacles related to geography, language, and physical access. This is compounded by systemic and cultural barriers such as mistrust of law enforcement, fear of deportation, and lack of culturally specific services. In some cases, survivors have been denied services.

The Action Alliance is committed to building a broader array of sexual and domestic violence survivor services, community engagement, and systems-change to significantly improve the experiences of historically oppressed communities across Virginia.

Group of Action Alliance staff in front of the Action Alliance office standing together behind a banner featuring an Angela Davis quote and image.

The goal of the Underserved Populations Learning Collaborative (UPLC) is to support community-based sexual and domestic violence agencies in becoming strong allies to underserved populations and to promote access to culturally-responsive, comprehensive services. We’ve built a strong statewide network of survivor-centered advocacy agencies, yet we know there are still many survivors not being served, and others for whom existing services don’t adequately meet their needs. This project aims to “expand the circle” and close the gaps, preparing agencies to better provide safety and healing for all survivors.

This initiative is supported through funding and expertise from Department of Social Services (VDSS), Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), and the Action Alliance. These three partner agencies are jointly responsible for designing the Learning Collaborative and each will be actively engaged throughout the Learning Collaborative, building statewide capacity alongside sexual and domestic violence agencies.

The first cohort of the UPLC launched in August 2018 and has twenty community sexual and domestic violence agencies participating. The second cohort launched in 2020.

Hand drawn cover of Cultivate Caucuses Zine with purple flowers.ACTION ALLIANCE TASK FORCES

A Task Force is made up of members who come together to work on behalf of a special population or an identified issue consistent with the vision, mission and guiding principles of the Action Alliance that has been officially recognized by the Governing Body.

Task Force meetings are open to participation by all Action Alliance members who are eligible by task force definition to participate.

Currently active task forces:

  • Northern Virginia Task Force
  • Rural Task Force
  • Southwest Virginia Task Force
  • Virginia Campus Task Force
  • Wild Women of Wisdom Task Force


A Caucus is made up of members of the Action Alliance who share an identity within a traditionally oppressed and/or marginalized group in society that has been officially recognized by the Governing Body.

Caucus meetings are open to participation by all Action Alliance members who are eligible by caucus or task force definition to participate.

Currently active caucuses:

  • People of Color Caucus (for registration information, please head to Training Registration page to register for any virtual or in person caucus that you would like to attend.

Action Alliance Members interested in joining or participating in a Task Force or Caucus should contact us at join@vsdvalliance.org.

The LGBTQ+ Partner Abuse and Sexual Assault Helpline focuses on anti-violence in the queer community. This is a space for survivors and people impacted by violence, like friends, family, professionals, and the general public, to connect about LGBTQ+ centered resources.

We also work closely with Virginia Anti-Violence Project, whose mission is to address and prevent violence within and against diverse LGBTQ+ communities across Virginia.

As part of our relationship with Side By Side (formerly ROSMY), we answer their youth support line after hours.

Free. Confidential. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year.

Click here for our confidential chat
Text: 804.793.9999
LGBTQ Helpline: 1.866.356.6998

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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