Why do you do this anti-violence work?
I do anti-violence work to have impact on an issue that is important to me. It may be difficult to find a service where we see someone like ourselves in an advocacy role. Something I appreciate is when someone “gets you” without a lengthy explanation, I have sense of relief and rapport. I want to give that to others calling in crisis.
What would you like to learn your first year on your new job?
I would like to learn how to be a better white ally, build relationships to connect callers to a larger network of resources, and enhance the level of expertise on the hotline.
What is the most incredible view you have ever seen?
The view of Canadian wilderness that had been untouched by humans.

What are the 3 things you love about Virginia?
I love the diversity and accessibility of things to do in Virginia:
- The ability to get to the beach/mountains/DC within a matter of hours,
- The history of our past and what is still evolving, and
- The wide range of available activities (food, art, trails, etc.).
What is the latest book you’ve read and would you recommend it?
Mattaponi Queen: Stories by Belle Boggs. I highly recommended it. Her mastery of word really comes through; it definitely lives up to the reviews.
Describe the magazines on your coffee table?
My coffee table becomes a catch all and you can usually find a remote or two, junk mail to be recycled, a phone charger and picture frames with family and friends displayed.

If you were a vegetable what would you be? Why?
I would be a parsnip. It is versatile, it holds up well in any form, and it makes winter more bearable.
Lastly, what excites you most about your job at the Action Alliance?
What excites me most about my job at the Action Alliance is all of the advances in technology and growth of the hotline team.
Reed Bohn is the Senior Hotline Crisis Services Specialist: Training at the Action Alliance. He has worked and volunteered for HIV prevention, LGBTQ+ and anti-violence agencies.
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