Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Governing Body Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

The Governing Body is comprised of 17 members who are responsible for the governance of the Action Alliance and guide its policies. Under Action Alliance by-laws, the Governing Body has representation from all geographic areas of Virginia, at least one-third of representatives are from member sexual and domestic violence agencies, at least one-third of representatives …

Governing Body Orientation

Virtual- Zoom

This event is to welcome and orient new Governing Body Members for the 2020-2021 year. The Governing Body is comprised of 21 members who are responsible for the governance of the Action Alliance and guide its policies. Under Action Alliance by-laws, the Governing Body has representation from all geographic areas of Virginia, at least one-third …

Virtual Basic Intensive Advocacy Training (BIAT)

The BIAT is a collaborative 2-day training designed for both victim-witness and sexual and domestic violence agency early career advocates who are in their first two years of advocacy work. This training provides and overview of the role and responsibility of advocates; the guiding principles of a trauma informed response and the impact and effects …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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