Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

Governing Body Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

The Governing Body is comprised of 17 members who are responsible for the governance of the Action Alliance and guide its policies. Under Action Alliance by-laws, the Governing Body has representation from all geographic areas of Virginia, at least one-third of representatives are from member sexual and domestic violence agencies, at least one-third of representatives …

UPLC Statewide Gathering

Virtual- Zoom

A statewide gathering for participants in the Underserved Populations Learning Collaborative (UPLC). The goal of the UPLC is to support community-based sexual and domestic violence agencies in becoming strong allies to underserved populations and to promote access to culturally-responsive, comprehensive services. We’ve built a strong statewide network of survivor-centered advocacy agencies, yet we know there …

State and Local Partners’ Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

Intended for SDVA and Affiliate members. These quarterly meetings offer a space for the Action Alliance and our partners to provide updates and share information; area agencies to network with each other; and for all to discuss trends, innovations, and challenges in prevention and direct service programming.

Governing Body Meeting

Virtual- Zoom

The Governing Body is comprised of 17 members who are responsible for the governance of the Action Alliance and guide its policies. Under Action Alliance by-laws, the Governing Body has representation from all geographic areas of Virginia, at least one-third of representatives are from member sexual and domestic violence agencies, at least one-third of representatives …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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