Note:  Events that do not display details when you hover over the event title are intended for members-only and require a login to see details.

ECHO@Edu: Campus Violence Prevention


Do you feel like you're on a prevention island at your campus? Join us for the following sessions to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of the best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention, all from the comfort of your office. ECHO@Edu will be held on …

On the Docket with JPT


Join the Justice Projects Team for open hours to discuss and learn about topics ranging from confidentiality to firearms laws to reproductive freedom for survivors and everything in between. This will be a semi-structured learning space combining traditional training with open conversation, peer learning, and program sharing. Bring your expertise and your curiosity! July 7: …

Basic Domestic Violence Advocacy Training

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

This training is designed for advocates in their first year of work in the field of Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence Advocacy. Participants will be able to identify and define domestic and intimate partner violence; learn the building blocks for a trauma informed response; and broaden their understanding of risk assessment and safety planning. Participants …

Basic Sexual Violence Advocacy Training

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

Basic Sexual Violence Advocacy Training This training is designed for advocates in their first year of work in the field of Sexual Violence Advocacy. Participants will learn how to recognize sexual violence, its root causes and its impact on individuals and communities; they will learn about the Cultural Context that supports sexual violence and an …

ECHO@Edu: Campus Violence Prevention


Do you feel like you're on a prevention island at your campus? Join us for the following sessions to build your prevention network, connect over challenging cases, and stay on top of the best practices in sexual and intimate partner violence primary prevention, all from the comfort of your office. ECHO@Edu will be held on …

Quarterly Finance Training- The Joy of the Annual Audit


Preparing for an audit can be tedious and anxiety provoking. Let's talk about how we can balance that out by making audits work for us through building helpful relationships with our auditors, cultivating curiosity throughout the process, and noticing the moments worthy of celebration. $20 for members, $40 for non members Please register for this …

Joyful Sexuality

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

In this interactive and engaging training, advocates and prevention staff will gain a more holistic understanding of joyful sexuality and its relevance to our work in the movement to end sexual and domestic violence. Participants will be introduced to the six components of sexuality: sensuality, intimacy, sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual and reproductive health, …

Sexual and Reproductive Coercion: What Advocates and Healthcare Providers Need to Know

Training Center 1413 W. Main St., Richmond, VA

This training is open to advocates, reproductive health providers, and clinic staff. Through this training, participants will become familiar with the dynamics of sexual and reproductive coercion and learn the value of taking a trauma-informed, universal education approach to interactions with clients and patients. Participants will increase their comfort and general understanding of reproductive health …


Principles of Primary Prevention

Action Alliance 1413 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, United States

Primary prevention strategies are designed to promote healthy behaviors and communities by shifting attitudes, behaviors, and norms that support and perpetuate the root causes of violence. This interactive training offers an introduction to the public health approach to primary prevention and will delve into key concepts underlying this work, including risk and protective factors, resilience, …

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Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies

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