It’s time for Legislative Advocacy Day!
First, let’s start with what Legislative Advocacy Day (LAD) is. Legislative advocacy centers around measures to introduce, implement, and iterate on legislation. It can involve small tasks such as working closely with a legislator on the wording of a bill to larger campaigns such as mobilizing thousands of your stakeholders or supporters to contact a legislature by phone, email or in person about a specific issue.
You can make a difference. Your email, phone call or virtual meeting is important. Lawmakers listen to their constituents and want to be accountable to their constituents. Your voice, knowledge, and point of view are worth sharing.
This year The Action Alliance has tons of resources for you to make it easy for you to schedule some virtual meetings, send emails or make calls to help us provide more resources to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. Check below for some resources to make this our best Legislative Advocacy Day yet.
This past week, we released our first The Session Scoop which will give you all of the latest updates on LAD. Click here to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bQCBsIrzSM
Need help figuring out who your representative is? Click https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/ to find out.
Here are the Action Alliance’s 2022 Legislative Priorities:
Are you ready to register and join us next Wednesday? Head over to: https://actionalliance.salsalabs.org/legislativeadvocacyday2022 to get registered. Our virtual program will start at 8:00 am with a welcome from Executive Director, Kristi Van Audenhove, followed by legislative briefings/updates from our Policy Director, Jonathan Yglesias. Our virtual meeting space will be open all morning so you can join us at anytime and let us know how you are helping on LAD.